Indefinite and Definite nouns in the Arabic Language - Benefit # 2 of 3
Benefit # 2 of 3 Indefinite and Definite nouns in the Arabic Language النَّكِرةُ (Indefinite) nouns Is a noun that refers to any...
A word in the Arabic language and its categories
Benefit # 0 In the Arabic language a word will either be: (A Noun) اسْمٌ / nouns in arabic (A Verb) فِعْلٌ (A Particle/Preposition )...
Categorization of Nouns in the Arabic Language - Benefit # 1 of 3
Categorization of Nouns in the Arabic Language Benefit # 1 of 3 المَعْرِفَةًُ Definite (noun) النَّكِرَةُ Indefinite (noun) المُذَكَّرُ...